10 Week Timeline

 10 Week Plan

   Based on the class syllabus that I developed for my fashion independent study, this is sort of what I see the project timeline looking like. 

  1. Week 01
    1. Project Idea Development and Finalize Idea, 
  2. Week 02
    1. Concept Art, 
  3. Week 03
    1. Block Out, 
  4. Week 04
    1. 1st Pass of High Resolution Model: Detailed Sculpt of Nude Character, 
  5. Week 05: Midterm
    1. 2nd Pass of High Resolution Model: Continue to add detail and polish to the high resolution character by adding accessories and clothing (sculpting), 
  6. Week 06
    1. Low Resolution (retopologizing) of characters and clothes with good topology
  7. Week 07
    1. Rig??, 
  8. Week 08
    1. Texture, 
  9. Week 09
    1. Import into game engine, 
  10. Week 10
    1. Documentation and Bug Fixes, and 
  11. Week 11: Finals
    1. Publish Findings


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