
Showing posts from February, 2023

Mako's Clothes In Clo

This was the original concept to have it closed but when talking to my friend Amani, she said that she really likes it as a vest rather than a shirt so I adjusted it to be split. Currently I'm waiting for Kathleen, my fashion professor, to provide me some feedback on the design and what ways that I can improve it. While waiting for her feedback I am trying to rig my mouse in order to then be able to import my mouse into Clo and I'm hoping that by being able to do that, I would then be able to run animations and movement simulations with the fabric which I haven't been able to test just yet. I'm not sure why my mouse came out black within Clo but since it doesn't affect anything then it isn't really something that needs to be addressed.  Clo 2D Flat  


 This is my attempt at rigging. I started to do it in Blender but I was running into issues with the auto-generation so I decided to try it out in Maya. I got a lot of help from my friend Erika and watching YouTube tutorials by Dikko.    (Blender Rig) This was the ChatGPT response to the question, "detailed steps for the rigging process of a character in maya" Sure, here are the detailed steps for rigging a character in Maya: "1. Plan the rig: Before you begin rigging, it's important to plan the rig by deciding on the rigging style, the level of detail, and the control mechanisms. You can sketch out your ideas on paper or use digital drawing software. 2. Model the character: The first step is to create the 3D model of the character. You can use Maya's modeling tools to create the character or import it from another software. 3. Create the skeleton: Use the Joint tool to create the bones for the skeleton. You can create a hierarchy of joints by clicking on one joi

Retopology of Tunic

  Retopologizing of tunic asset in order to learn the process. I was running into an issue with hand-quad drawing so I then decided to decimate the model in ZBrush. Another problem that I am currently facing is then transferring the attributions of the decimated version onto the simulated version as for some reason it just wouldn't work. I decided to give up on it for now, especially when taking in consideration the fact that Unreal Engine renders in Tris which means converting the mesh to polys is kind of pointless. 

Project Resources For Character and their Clothing

Project Resources Cloth in Video Games, Game Dev Explained 001 by Skrag00 How to export from Marvelous Designer to Zbrush (No Need for Manual Retopology) Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial Character Cloth And Cloth Physics by Unreal Magic   Using clothes in OBJ format in Unreal Engine without skinning - Part 1 (Marvelous Designer/Clo) 


However I am having trouble figuring out how to dress Mako. I don't want to put him in clothes that is too complicated because I am going to try to make it on Clo / Marvelous Designer while also trying to make a version of it in ZBrush to compare and contrast the effort and quality of work between the two workflow. I also don't want to make it too complicated that it covers all the sculpts that I have put onto the (nude) character. On the other hand, I don't want to make it so simple that the character looks very boring.  (Mako Reference Board) (Mako Concept Art)

Mako Mouse; First Detailed Pass

     This is the first pass of my detailed character, Mako the hero mouse. Since he is suppose to be this hero, I made him more buff and scruffier fur to go for more of mouse features than an anthropomorphized one.  (Mako Front View) (Mako Isometric View)  (Mako Side View)  (Mako Top View)   For next week, I am going to try to sculpt the character's clothes.