Nvidia's Omniverse Setup

I'm currently having issues with the pipeline not being where I need to be at the moment. I'm currently making the rig which means I don't know if I will have the ability to test my clothing just yet which is why I'm currently looking into Omniverse to see if it is a viable solution for allowing me to update my character at any step of the pipeline. This is what I have found so far just to set up the framework. 
  1. Set-Up
    1. First download Omniverse Launcher 
    2. Once downloaded, download the following connectors under the Exchange tab
      1. Maya Connector, 
      2. Unreal Engine, and 
      3. other software that you may be connecting
    3. Download Omniverse Create under apps
    4. If you are doing something more file based then you want to download Omniverse Drive
    5. Set up the Nucleus which will allow for live editing. 
  2. Unreal Engine
    1. Add Omniverse Server by clicking on the Omniverse tab and add your localhost. 
    2. Select the Omniverse tab again and "Export Level to Omniverse"
    3. Make sure setting is set to "Use texture setting as export resolution" and click on "Export physics data(collision, joints, etc)" to be set to false. Finally set to true, "Export as Y-up Axis".
    4. Go to Content --> Omniverse --> localhost --> Projects --> //Project Name and then select the USD to work live from the USD file
    5. In the Omniverse tab, set, "Live Edit" to true. 
  3. Omniverse Create
    1. Open Omniverse Create
    2. Open File USD of whatever other software that you are using 
    3. Open the Layers tab and close the "Root Layer (Authoring Layer)" and set the cloud to true in order to make the project now a live edit. 
    4. Go to Render Settings and set Eco Mode to true in order to save on processing power when there hasn't been any updates since. 
    5. Change rendering mode from "RTX Real-Time" to "RTX Path-Traced" in order to preview the scene in high quality but still allow you to update the project from what ever other app that you choose. 
  4. Maya
    1. Open up Maya and go to Windows --> Settings/Preferences --> Plug-in Manager
    2. Unload "mayaUSDPlugin.mll", restart maya and then load "OmniverseMayaLoader.mll" 
    3. Connect Maya to Omniverse localhost by setting the human icon within the Omniverse tab to be true
    4. Open the same USD project file that you did in Omniverse Create and Unreal
  5. Photoshop, Substance Painter, and other file based software
    1. Open Omniverse Drive and connect to localhost.
    2. Open the file from omniverse drive
    3. Open file on to whatever file based software to make your edits where it will then live update after you save. Some software may have to be refreshed in order to be seen. 

  6. Misc. Information
    1. To share camera data
      1. Create a camera from view and then set it to the main camera of each software 
    2. To work on a referenced based workflow 
      1. create a new separate layer in Create and open the new USD file to work on which will allow you to still work on and manipulate other files while still working on the main project which is optimal for referenced based workflow. 
  7. Good Luck :)

This is proof that I kind of have it set up and working. Currently, I don't know why the textures are showing the way that they are but when I talked to my friend, Divy, who knows about Omniverse says that it is probably a bug on Omniverse's end. Another issue that I am having is that I don't know how to add or reference other assets into the main USD scene so that is the next thing that I need to figure out on how exactly I am going to be able to get my asset into the main scene. Divy recommends exporting the character rig as a USD and then create a sublayer in Create for the character to be added into. This does mean that the character wouldn't update in real time and that I would have to constantly update it through the traditional export method until I finish my character. 

Enclosed below is a video of my project showing that I got Omniverse to work with real time updates across softwares: 


  1. Nvidia Omniverse Create & Maya Connector Walkthrough!
  2. Unreal Engine City of Brass Multi-Application Omniverse Workflow Tutorial with Sir Wade Neistadt


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